Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Optical Illusion

eath Lives!

-------Andrew Joseph Stack III

(He had not used the line, however I attributed the statement above to him anyway)


Optical Mindscrew, stare for 20s, look elsewhere and see the world melt in front of your eyes.
Warning: Highly convulsant yet addictive, not recommended for photosensitive epileptics.


Need a smartphone with good music playback, iphone is out, should I get a Symbian or Andriod one?


Essay due in two weeks, with a BIOSCI351 test right before that. Hmmmm I will be busy


--Symptoms of Limerence

Limerence has certain basic components:

* Intrusive thinking about the object of your passionate desire (the limerent object or LO-will be used throughout article-), who is a possible sexual partner.
* Acute longing for reciprocation.
* Dependency of mood on LO's actions or, more accurately, your interpretation of LO's actions with respect to the probability of reciprocation.
* Inability to react limerently to more than one person at a time (exceptions occur when limerence is at low ebb -- early on or in the last fading).
* Some fleeting and transient relief from unrequited limerent passion through vivid imagination of action by LO that means reciprocation.
* Fear of rejection and sometimes incapacitating but always unsettling shyness in LO's presence, especially in the beginning and whenever uncertainty strikes.
* Intensification through adversity (at least, up to a point).
* Acute sensitivity to any act or thought or condition that can be interpreted favorably, and extraordinary ability to devise or invent "reasonable" explanations for why the neutrality that the disinterested observer might see is in fact a sign of hidden passion in the LO.
* An aching of the "heart" (a region in the center front of the chest) when uncertainty is strong.
* Buoyancy (a feeling of walking on air) when reciprocation seems evident.
* A general intensity of feeling that leaves other concerns in the background.
* A remarkable ability to emphasize what is truly admirable in LO and to avoid dwelling on the negative, even to respond with a compassion for the negative and render it, emotionally if not perceptually, into another positive attribute.

Well that makes me limerent with the entire world, highly unlikely


A bit late but I have to make mention: Space Bio Charge LIVE = Pure Awesomeness even in the bootlegged version, already bought the compilation CD, now waiting futilely for the Live soundtrack that will never come:(