Oh I love Tea Leoni, too bad she gets only two kind of casts: in a really bad film, or in a good one that failed to gain popularity. The latter category include other gems such as You Kill Me and of course, Ghost Town. Technically a comedy, it managed to blend the comedic absurdity well with the more serious content. I understand others may find it average, however Dr Pincus do reflect a lot of my own mental state from a long time ago, and till now.
Although I love the union, I love Virginia more.

They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."

...I need her....
I own three copies of this, one for my own viewing, one for collection and one for lending to other people. I will write more about it when I have time, in the mea time, WATCH IT!