Background music to play while you are reading
It all started with this post on Stage1st about tattooing, then boredom led me to the Wikipedia entry of such:
And Blutgruppentätowierung was mentioned in the "See also" section
Not very interesting on its own. Nonetheless somewhere in the article they mentioned British Free Corps, which turned out had never been more than a handful of nutty Poms.....
That entry was particularly meticulous and confusing, however one Frankish name really stands out of all the Teutonic hullabahoo:
Fascinating figure, must be taken together with the story-within-a-story part of The Sandman #55.
The content even branches out to include some interesting criminal stories, which I am still reading through ATM. A few of them more or less relate back to the previous entry of people committed of treachery (How do you pronounce that word again?)
A.K.A. Lord Haw-Haw, we all know about him, but of his boss....
...who married someone of a prominent family..... of which owns this piece of outstanding estate!
This is how far I have covered tonight, wait and behold, it may even go on and cover every page there is in Wikipedia.